Daily Delight
Lately I have been thinking much of family, and in particular, my family of origin. Earlier this summer all six of us siblings, along with spouses and grandchildren, gathered from several states to celebrate several milestones in the lives of our parents: Mom’s 90th birthday, Dad’s 93rd birthday, and their 70th wedding anniversary.
It was challenging to come up with a suitable gift for them, especially since they have long ago downsized to a small retirement apartment. We decided to prepare and present a photo book that would tell their story - our family story. Each picture in the book captured a specific moment or chapter in the larger narrative of our family. Some pictures brought smiles and chuckles while others were bittersweet. Woven together, they formed a tapestry with all the colors of life. The book reminded us of the legacy of faith and love that have defined our parents’ life and their hope for the generations to come.
The call to remember reverberates throughout scripture. One instance is recorded in Deuteronomy. Moses recounts the history of the children of Israel on the plains of Moab. He is at the end of his life, but God’s chosen people are ready for a new beginning…entering the Promised Land. “…be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.” (Deuteronomy 4:9) New beginnings are best built on the wisdom of the past.
We all have a story with sweet and bittersweet twists and turns. Our journeys are unique, but there is one constant in each one - the presence and faithfulness of God. Take time to think back to when you first heard His call on your life. Remember the ways He has delivered you in big and small ways. Keep telling His story through your story to all you know. Just as my parents were honored by their present, we honor the Author of our lives by remembering.
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Bonnie Arends
Bonnie is a woman who finds her identity and mission in Jesus. She is passionate that others will come to know the Living Hope that she lives in and from each day. Bonnie's life verse is, "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect" (1 Peter 3:15).
Bonnie lives 'in the middle of a cornfield' with her farmer husband and son. She enjoys the space and quiet of rural living and is especially thankful for the beautiful sunsets she experiences over the farm's vast pastures.