Daily Delight
Have you ever played a game when you were a kid called Odd One Out? It’s similar to Rock, Paper, Scissors, but played with three people instead of two. The game is as basic as its name: the one with the different hand gesture is out. The one who is different…is out. Now that I’m well into adulthood, it’s interesting to see how this game mirrors real life. I can’t tell you how many times I felt like the ‘odd one,’ left out of that amazing connection called friendship, hashtag: #BFFstatus.
Those of us who know Jesus are not exempt from feeling lonely. It still manages to creep into our souls. Social media magnifies these feelings, as posts on friendships old and new fill my feed, worsening my odd one out status.
But Jesus- He is faithful. He is my friend. He calls me to lean in close. He whispers His words on my heart. “…Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” (Mark 6:31, NIV)
I find that when I am loneliest, I am actually most disconnected from God. Caught up in the day-to-day routine, or distanced by distraction, I have lost sight of my Heavenly Father. I reach out in desperation for a bold human connection, sinking even deeper when I can’t find it.
The loneliness grows and maneuvers to take a foothold, but not before the still small voice whispers, “…seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.” (Matthew 6:33, CSB)
Friends, human relationships are beautiful, lovely, and magnificently messy. God designed us for relationship, for community with one another. But when we put them above our relationship with Jesus, when we define ourselves as the odd one out instead of blessed Daughter of a King, we find ourselves in the darkness alone. When you feel the twinge of loneliness, the ache of being left out, or the sadness of loss: seek Him, for He’s the One true friend who will never disappoint. He’s the One who loves us, has always loved us, and will continue to love us for all eternity.
With Him, we are never alone.
About the Author
Jennifer Tanaka
Jenn is currently enjoying navigating the path as a mom of three with her husband of fifteen years. Born and raised in Honolulu, HI, she still resides in her home state, discovering and sharing the beauty of her Heavenly Father through writing and photography.
In the last two years, Jenn has been following her calling to write for women who, like her, are yearning to draw closer to Jesus. Leaving her full-time position in education, she now enjoys spending more time with her family and serving the women in her local and online communities.In her free time, Jenn enjoys long walks around the neighborhood, hiking mountain trails, relaxing on the beach, or just curling up on the couch with a good book or Netflix. Her day starts with a generous cup of bulletproof coffee and ends with a soothing cup of tea. Her favorite time of the day is settling in for a read aloud session with her kids.