When I first became curious about the Christian faith in college, I asked a friend if she would be willing to talk with me about some questions I had. She kindly agreed, and we met on a picnic blanket in the middle of the campus residential quad. As we talked, I said, “There are so many people in the world. Kids are starving to death in Africa, and I am here. I don’t want to bother God with my prayers when he has more important things to take care of.” “
Oh no,” my sweet friend responded, “
God is big enough to care about everyone. You are just as important to Him as someone in Africa or anywhere else.” Not long after that conversation, I received my first Bible from another friend and began reading it daily, trying to understand this God my friend said was so big.Almost seven years later, I still find myself wrestling with this concept on occasion. I know that God cares about me and desires for me to pray and seek Him. Yet sometimes I am fooled into believing God only cares about the big spiritual things in life, such as how often I’m reading my Bible or sharing the gospel. This week, God reminded me that He cares about so much more than just the "
spiritual" stuff.Psalm 37:23-24 says, “
The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand” (NLT). He has placed dreams in our hearts and blessed us with various talents, positions, and opportunities, and He cares about all of it! He wants to talk with you about your latest business idea or song lyric. He wants to walk with you through your most recent mistake or failure.
Our God is a God of relationship. He loves spending time with us and delights in every single aspect of our lives. Take a moment today to talk with God about your dreams and ideas. He would
love to share that conversation with you.{photo:
About the Author
Kira Echeandia
Kira is a recent transplant to the Dallas-Ft. Worth area who is passionate about Jesus, social justice, and baked goods. She loves to travel and can be found in Belgium consuming copious amounts of chocolate about once a year. Her dream is to start a business that incorporates both intentional community and sustainable consumerism but is still praying about what this could look like. Kira is both thrilled and honored to write for Daughter of Delight in this season and looks forward to seeing where her passion for writing will take her.